Financial results - ARED S.R.L.

Financial Summary - Ared S.r.l.
Unique identification code: 29261284
Registration number: J2011001235021
Nace: 6810
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Ared S.r.l. - Unique Identification Number 29261284: sales in 2023 was 1.375.261 euro, registering a net profit of 3.128.564 euro and having an average number of 1 employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Cumpararea si vanzarea de bunuri imobiliare proprii having the NACE code 6810.
Sales - Ron674K660K1.2M484K237K560K229K1.1M356K1.4M20142014201520152016201620172017201820182019201920202020202120212022202220232023

Sales, Profit, Employees, Debts, Capitals, Financial Results - Ared S.r.l.

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sales - EUR 674.500 660.210 1.241.025 484.218 236.933 560.389 229.409 1.148.815 355.783 1.375.261
Total Income - EUR 463.824 504.823 537.445 487.692 631.382 1.783.063 2.654.466 3.892.909 2.026.315 7.728.146
Total Expenses - EUR 196.522 214.984 188.396 114.379 240.670 1.365.945 1.271.851 1.698.372 1.145.976 4.487.450
Gross Profit/Loss - EUR 267.302 289.839 349.048 373.314 390.712 417.118 1.382.615 2.194.536 880.339 3.240.696
Net Profit/Loss - EUR 225.629 245.164 296.744 320.829 383.849 401.392 1.371.152 2.072.151 833.434 3.128.564
Employees 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
Tabelul prezinta cei mai importanti indicatori ai firmei din Contul de Profit si Pierderi pentru ultimii 10 ani de activitate asa cum se regasesc la Ministerul de Finante. Datele ofera evolutia firmei in aceasta perioada privind cresterile si eventual descresterile inregistrate. In the last year of activity, the sales increased by 287.7%, from 355.783 euro in the year 2022, to 1.375.261 euro in 2023. The Net Profit increased by 2.297.658 euro, from 833.434 euro in 2022, to 3.128.564 in the last year.
Sales - Ron674K660K1.2M484K237K560K229K1.1M356K1.4M20142014201520152016201620172017201820182019201920202020202120212022202220232023
Net Profit - Ron226K245K297K321K384K401K1.4M2.1M833K3.1M20142014201520152016201620172017201820182019201920202020202120212022202220232023

Check the financial reports for the company - Ared S.r.l.

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Ared S.r.l.

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Ared S.r.l.

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Probabilitate de insolventa

Prob. of insolvency -
Ared S.r.l.

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Financial Reports -
Ared S.r.l.

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Financial Analysis Reports provide a clear and comprehensive view of a company's financial activity. In addition to presenting financial data, the reports analyze this data so that any user can understand whether the results are positive or less favorable. The Financial Rating provides an analysis based on the most important financial ratios, including liquidity, solvency, and profitability. Payment Limits represent the maximum amounts for which a company can offer goods or services on credit to its clients. The Probability of Insolvency presents the theoretical probability that a company may not be able to meet its financial obligations towards its creditors, i.e., suppliers and financial institutions.

Debts, Equity, Inventories, Receivables, Accounts, Assets - Ared S.r.l. - CUI 29261284

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Fixed Assets 203.130 757.078 1.223.904 1.804.237 2.949.489 2.761.700 5.586.399 6.046.097 7.080.988 3.781.919
Current Assets 6.613.381 4.805.688 2.876.692 2.061.936 2.410.506 2.339.605 1.848.833 1.996.613 662.185 7.631.680
Inventories 3.073.667 2.422.778 1.289.675 930.076 902.835 711.057 559.844 119.447 26.578 5.833.535
Receivables 3.334.777 2.337.068 1.572.061 1.064.536 1.252.858 999.983 562.981 659.957 80.726 30.257
Cash 204.937 45.842 14.955 67.324 254.812 628.564 726.009 1.217.209 554.881 1.767.889
Shareholders Funds 277.725 525.208 816.599 1.123.610 2.896.596 3.197.528 5.859.841 7.556.431 6.179.747 9.341.615
Social Capital 335 340 338 333 342 335 329 321 322 321
Debts 6.488.769 4.987.122 3.283.998 2.693.488 2.415.225 1.903.263 1.555.216 465.490 1.522.738 2.043.888
Income in Advance 50.017 50.434 49.920 49.075 48.175 45.060 44.206 43.149 89.376 74.889
Exchange rate - RON 4.9465 4.9315 4.9468 4.8371 4.7454 4.6535 4.5681 4.4908 4.445 4.4821
Main CAEN "6810 - 6810"
CAEN Financial Year 6810
The table presents the company's Balance Sheet structure for the last 10 years. Current Assets recorded a value of 7.631.680 euro in 2023 which includes Inventories of 5.833.535 euro, Receivables of 30.257 euro and cash availability of 1.767.889 euro.
The company's Equity was valued at 9.341.615 euro, while total Liabilities amounted to 2.043.888 euro. Equity increased by 3.180.608 euro, from 6.179.747 euro in 2022, to 9.341.615 in 2023. The Debt Ratio was 17.8% in the year 2023.

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